Abby was born October 18, 2011. She weighed 7 lb 13oz and was 20.5 inches.
I was induced early in the morning just after 6:00am. I was already dilated to a 2-3 when we started. It took 2 1/2 hours to move to 5-6. After being in at the stage for 10-15 min I started feeling pressure and felt like maybe I should start pushing soon. The nurse checked me again and I had moved to an 8. She called my midwife (who got here amazingly fast). My midwife checked me and I was a 10. YAY! Well kind of...it was all very painful. Anyway, they all got suited up and I started pushing. 3-4 pushes and she was out. Born 10:06am. Just around 4 hours after being induced. It was quite the experience. I didn't get an epidural. Doing it naturally was a very different experience. I would never suggest that someone do it that way, but if you chose to know that you can do it!
Here are some pictures!