So we have had this blog for about 3 weeks now and have done absolutely nothing with it. I decided that I couldn't go another day without writing something, anything to fill up the empty space.
A little bit about us right now:
We are trying to get through the last couple of days of classes. This is the time of year when we have to deal with all the procrastination we have been doing the rest of the semester. It's amazing though, even when deadlines are just around the corner I am still managing to put things off. I have come to realize that procrastination is a real talent.
We are both super excited for summer to be here. It has still been really cold in Utah and I think our winter coats are ready for a break. The forecast boasts of a high in the 50's today so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Along with warm weather we are looking forward to going up to Ogden a lot this summer to visit my brother, Thane, and his wife, Melanie.
Well I guess that is about it right now. It's not much, but it's something. Have a great day: )