I am counting down the minute to 3:30pm right now. I have to go to work and I am dreading it. I have had a wonderful day being lazy and having fun playing games with Jeremy and I do not feel like ending it right now. Oh well, all good things must come to an end. Sigh.
I thought that while I am waiting I would post blog for fun. Yesterday a wonderful thing happened. We found our marriage license. We have been looking for our license for a week now and have practically turned our house upside down in the process. We need our marriage license to get a drivers license in my married name (yup, I still don't have a marriage license in my married name even though we have been hitched over a year). Finding it was like a miracle. We had said a short prayer and then Jeremy said he thought we should look in my dresser (even though I had already looked 3 times). I didn't know of anywhere else where we hadn't looked so I started looking through my dresser again, but this time I took all the drawers out and found it behind the middle drawer. I am still ecstatic! We went to the DMV yesterday and got my drivers license and so I finally have a drivers license with my new last name on it.
I talk with Filippo Gaddo
2 days ago
It is always exciting to get your new name on everything!
You're official now! :) Isnt being married the best?! :) You two are so cute. Love ya Maggie!
Hey Maggie! Yeah for the world of blogs!
I know Maggie. They are cute arent they! We also need to plan some kind of event to see eachother again. I am hopefuly going to be going into school soon, On May 5th so that I can be an esthetition. Isnt that what Natalie is? Anyways, Im so excited! I'll have class Mon-Fri from 5-10. It's going to be a lot of work but it is only 7 months so ill be finished by November. Married by Jan Or Feb and Working the job that I really enjoy doing!
You have been married for ever a year!! Oh My gosh! Ive wanted to be married for over a year but that didnt happen! Maybe soon! I dont want to get married before I go to school though! It will be nice to have it all over then be able to focus on my husband and my home! Ill be sure to send you an anouncement when we get married! Are you guys going to graduate with the same degree? Are you working on your Batchlors? Im so proud of you! my little homeschooled friend is now almost graduating from BYU! Thats awesome! Good Job!
I hope you have a great week! Thanks for looking at my blog I love to get coments
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