Our FIRST and most traumatizing breakdown happened about 120 miles south of the Canadian border. I can't remember what it is that broke, but it was something that helped feed the battery. We got towed to the nearest city spent the night there and waited the next morning for it to get fixed
Outside our car on our first breakdown
After we got the car fixed the next day we were able to travel quite a bit, but then about a mile north of the I-15 Rexburg turn-off the car got a broken bolt that holds the belt so the belt shredded. Thane (my Brother) knows a lot about cars so he was able to fix it and it only delayed us for about 60-80 minutes.
We were a lot more calm the second time we broke down so we played cards while Thane fixed the car.
When we got home, ironically enough, Jeremy's and my tire was completely flat. We are now driving around on a spare until we can get into discount tires.
We got home over 24 hours later than we had thought we would. We missed several classes and other things (including Katie's kickboxing class, sry Katie!) but we are so happy to be home!
you guys look like you had so much fun! Just leave it to the car to make your trip just that much more exciting! Its hard to go threw that but in a bitter sweet kind of way im sure that it made your trip just that much more memorable!
aw! sniff. i miss you guys all so much! even though your trip was a rough one home, i can just imagine how you all handled it and made the best out of a bad situation. i love you guys!
hey, so sorry you had a rough trip back. i wish i could make it up to you all. we sure appreciate you guys and the sacrifice you made to come up for the wedding. if you guys do ever decide to brave the trip again i promise to treat you all royaly. i was a little preoccupied with the wedding details this time. thanks so much for everything. hugs&stuff aunt tanis
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