I know what you're thinking - "Where have you been" - at least that is what i hope you have been thinking, you probably haven't missed my absence from the blogger world. I kind of feel like I have been realigned to work in "go mode" and to only stop to eat and sleep. The last couple of weeks have been some of the hardest of my life. Jeremy left for five days last week and I think we both thought that we were going to die. It was the first time that we have been apart for more than 8 hours since we have been married and we both had separation anxieties. Jeremy had to go to Texas to do some job interviews. We are keeping our fingers crossed hoping he will get an acceptance from one or all of them. Other things that have been going on in my life are typical of the average student, work, papers, exams, quizzes, etc. I am going to be so happy when this semester is over with and I am finally finished. Whenever things get excruciatingly painful I remind myself that I only have four weeks left, but then I remember that i also want to go to grad school : ( *sigh*
Because it is November i just want to mention the three things that I am most grateful for. . .
1. the atonement
2. jeremy
3. friends and family
I hope you are all having a great time getting ready for the holidays ahead!
I talk with Filippo Gaddo
2 days ago
Hey, you should have told me Jeremy was gone!! We could have totally had a girl's night, or something close to it, anyway!!
Wasn't it so fun when he finally came home, though? I visited my family in Oregon for three days in September and cried from missing James on day two. When I got home, all I wanted to do was just be right by his side. Let's hope Jeremy's traveling pays off with a job!
P.S. Thanks for offering to loan me Eats, Shoots, and Leaves, but I already ordered it online and downloaded it. Darnit! Do you happen to own Twilight? I'm hoping to start the series over Christmas break.
Sounds like you are as busy as always. I haven't seen you in so long and I hope you are doing well. I miss seeing your beautiful face!
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