This is going to be another post about babies. I just can't get them off my mind. In the last two weeks two of my sisters and one of my friends have had their first babies. I can't wait for it to be me!! My oldest sister, Karie, had her baby on January 14. He is a darling little boy. Next came my friend Kjell who had her baby girl last Thursday. And then today I found out that my younger sister, Vicky, had her little boy this afternoon. It all seems so exciting. I was talking to another one of my sisters today (she is also pregnant and is due in April). Of course we were talking about pregnancy, and all the "glory" that accompanist it, when my sister made a really interesting comment. She said, "besides marrying in the temple having and raising children is the greatest thing we can do in this life." Of course I have heard something like that before in relief society and/or sunday school, but it never seemed to hit home like it did then. I feel like I have been struggling to balance house chores, cooking, and work lately and being pregnant seems to often "get in the way." I don't know if I am finished thinking it all through, but I hope that I never get to tied up with life that I let the most important things be what seems to "get in the way" of the non-important things. Does this make any sense?
- Thanks to everyone who gave suggestions on where to buy baby things. I can't wait to find out what we are having so that we can start shopping!!
- Oh, I can't believe I forgot to tell y'all, but my due date is July 6.
- I will post more pics soon. sry I have been so bad at that.
I talk with Filippo Gaddo
2 days ago
Wow, I can't believe that you and two of your sisters will all have your first babies in one year! How cool!
So FUN!!! How is Vicky doing? Andrea sent me pictures of Karie's baby boy and oh my goodness! Isnt he a DOLL??!!! So cute! I cant wait for you! Are you going to find out what you are having? When is Andrea due? She always calls me when I am gone, and I havent talked to her in FOREVER! :) Miss that girl.
Anyway, I am so excited for you! Being a mom is wonderful, but you do have to stop sometimes and remind yourself, in the midst of the crying and diapers and no sleep, about the important things. I find that its when I calm down and forget about the dishes piled up and the bathroom that needs to be cleaned and the homework that isnt done yet and just focus on Ryan, we both have some of our best time together. And what is more important that spending time with your kids so they know you love them? So you can teach them? So they have happy memories? I cant think of much!
Okay, Im done! :) Thanks for listening Maggie! You are going to be a GREAT mom! Love you!
I totally hear you on the pregnancy getting in the way. Remember that class we had together?? She said that she had to lower her expectations of what she was going to "get done" so she could just focus on being a mom and being pregnant. While you're not juggling kids and a pregnancy, it is your first. Be easy on yourself. You probably have enough emotions as it is :) AND, when your baby comes, s/he will be sooo cute that nothing will come between you and your little one (except maybe your hubby). You are amazing and I am sooo excited to find out what you're having! AND I want to see pictures!!!!!!!
WOW vicky had her baby? so exciting..i will have to bug her soon she has been on my mind like everyday this week. So russell and i are comming down to Salt Lake this weekend to help Thane and Mel move... so i am asuming you two will be there aswell! love you and i am so happy for you!
It hasn't even been a week yet, and even though the 2am feedings are rough, it's the greatest thing. As I look at her precious face through my tired eyes, i just think it's soooo worth it. You're going to love it.
It was so good to see you last night. I am so excited for you and we're praying you get to go to Ft. Lauderdale:)
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