Jeremy and I no longer have internet access to our apartment : ( So my posts will be even fewer and farther between.
I wanted to make a quick shout out to Bride Wars. If you haven't seen it you should. I loved it, but I am a Kate Hudson fan. Oddly enough it made me miss my sister even though they were fighting the whole time.
Oh! Im so sad that you arent going to be posting again! Whats up with that! I guess you are going to have to move into a new apt soon so you can get the internet again. You better! We need to see pictures of the baby! :o) I cant wait!
Maggie.. I just rented this movie! it is so cute! I love it! Im going to watch it again tonight! Hey im not sure if Natalie wrote you but im having a shower in Utah the friday before i get married and I want you to be there so make sure you mark it on your callendar! Okey! cant wait to see you!
Oh! Im so sad that you arent going to be posting again! Whats up with that! I guess you are going to have to move into a new apt soon so you can get the internet again. You better! We need to see pictures of the baby! :o) I cant wait!
Maggie.. I just rented this movie! it is so cute! I love it! Im going to watch it again tonight! Hey im not sure if Natalie wrote you but im having a shower in Utah the friday before i get married and I want you to be there so make sure you mark it on your callendar! Okey! cant wait to see you!
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