Went in for an NST today and 3.5 hours later came out with a scheduled inducement. We are having this baby TOMORROW!! I can't believe it. I am so nervous/excited I don't even know if this post will make sense.
Apparently the cord wrapped around his neck baby is giving him irregularities in his heart rate. This isn't anything new (it's why we had the NST tests), but irregularities are increasing so the doctors our concerned if we wait too long the chances of a still birth will go up. We feel good about this decision even though it increases the chances of a C-section.
Next post will have pictures of Baby Thurber: )
PS for those who are curious, the due date was July 6th so the Baby will be about 13 days early.
I talk with Filippo Gaddo
2 days ago
Good luck! You are going to be amazing! I cant wait to see that sweet little baby of yours! I also cant wait to hear your labor/delivery story! FUN! :) Love much!
Oh my gosh!!! That's crazy! I know if I were you, I would be so nervous with such an all-of-a-sudden announcement! But that will be awesome to have him here so soon. I guess no shopping for us! :) Let us know how everything goes and if you need anything!! I can't WAIT to see pictures!
That is exciting that you will be a mom tomorrow. Which hospital are you giving birth at? Remember what we talked about... that you never know what might happen and that the baby might come earlier.
Good luck with everything.
WOW Maggie! wow, you must be having so many feelings right now! well i am so happy for you! i pray that everything goes well! love you!
Congratulations, and we'll keep you in our prayers. We're looking forward to happy updates!
Love, Dan & Robin
oh I got goosebumps when I read this!! I can't wait!! Good Luck!
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