Here are so random thoughts about being a mom along with some pictures.

We blessed Talmage two Sundays ago. We did it early b/c I had family in town for 4th of July weekend. It was such a great blessing.

Sometimes when we change Talmage's diaper he goes to the bathroom before we can get the next diaper on him. Yesterday he sprayed himself in the eye. Jeremy and I could not stop laughing.

Talmage caught his first head cold today. We took him to the Doctors. He now weighs 8 lb 5oz and is 21 inches long!

It is so much fun being a mom. I just love to hold him all day long. Talmage is becoming more aware and his favorite things to watch are Jeremy and the computer. If he is around either of those two things he won't pay me any attention.

I love this picture. When Talmage cries I can try and try to calm him with little or no success, but once I give him to Jeremy he can have him quiet in less than 1 minute. I'm so glad I married a baby charmer: )
Congratulations on the baby blessing! I'm so glad you're enjoying Talmage. I just have to ask, are you in the testing center in the top picture? (Ah, the joys of student wards!)
Yay!! I'm so jealous! I can't wait till it's my turn :) Also, I miss the testing center so much!!! Haha, everyone will now think I'm a nerd. But I really just miss our ward tons.
Yes, that is the testing center. We get to have church in desks. It is kinda fun.
Maggie you are so funny! I remember being at your house when we lived together and Your natalie was chnaging Ty's diaper and he did the same thing and we thought it was so funny! I remember natalie telling me that he didnt know what he was doing he was just a little baby but i thought that it was so funny still! Your a great mother! atleast you can laugh at things! LOVE THE BOW! Whats that all about! He has a really cute smirk on his face !
He is soo adorable!
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