Here is a quick list of what i want to post about, but don't have enough time to go into detail.
1. We don't have internet anymore = (
2. I don't really enjoy nursing, but I do it anyway. Why???
3. One of my really good friends is PREGNANT!!! Go Chelsea!!
4. I got a running stroller and have used it so much already!!
5. I am a little afraid to move to FL b/c I am afraid of being raped while running or being home alone while Jeremy is at work all day. is this silly??
Sorry no pictures!
I talk with Filippo Gaddo
2 days ago
Nursing is hard, very hard!! We do it cause we love our kids.
1. Boo, why not?
2. Nursing helps keep you lose the baby fat, bond with your baby, and keep them extra healthy--I'm sure you do it for him!
3. That's exciting!
4. I MUST get one of those!
5. That is not silly--be careful running. I'm sure you'll be safe in your house--just lock the doors.
i've always wanted to know, what is it about nursing that is so bad? i mean you just had a freakin baby and pretty much that makes everything else cake, right?
Nursing is hard!! And I hope I am not going to far by saying this but,.. I thought it was really hard wtih Bailey and so I quit at 7 months and beat my self up about it so bad. It might be a little better for your baby, but formula isn't going to kill them, and if you feel better doing formula, by ALL means, do it, and DON'T beat your self up. AND I have REALLY enjoyed nursing better with #2! I love it now.
I'm excited, too, for Angela and Gary! I heard that 7lbs is pretty average for a baby. I don't know- maybe it's just because I was 7lbs, 15 oz. haha. I didn't know you're moving to Florida- when and what for? Everyone is pretty active over there so I'm sure you can find some running companions!
Nothing you said is silly at all! Im not sure that i would like to breast feed either but at the same time i think its something that im going to do..I dont know why either! I used to live in florida, Its nice, but you need to be carful, I lived in Kissamee florida and I didnt really ever go outside.. are you going to be in an apt? Or a house? Ill pray for you!
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