Our baby waving goodbye to us. I would never have left him with anyone else accept Karen (my mother-in-law). Thank you Karen!!!

Our Indian war dance. I think we look quite authentic :)

Magic Kingdom. We only got to be in there 10 minutes, but we took some great pictures.

Epcot. This was the beginning of the day so my hair still looked ok. haha.

I think there is a direct correlation between going to the Temple and having shorter lines at Disney World.
Thank-you Karen for watching Talmage (can never say that too much), and Stephanie and Grant for going with us and making it so much fun, and Thane and Esther for letting us crash at your place (hope to return the favor sometime soon).
Your hair looks especially voluminous in the picture at Epcot. So cute! I think there is also a correlation between reading your scriptures and winning board games :)
Yes, I agree on your hair looking especially fab in the Epcot picture! You guys look like you're doing so great!! And Talmage is adorable. :)
What a great trip! Love the waving good bye picture!
Yay you guys look great!
I am so envious that you guys went to DW. I miss that place! Its nice that you guys were able to go just the two of you! THank goodness for mother in laws. He is so adorable! I cant wait to see more pictures of him! Have you guys taken a family picture yet? Just the three of you!?
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