Wow! It has been a long time since i have posted anything! We have had a really busy last couple of weeks. My brother got married in the SLC Temple and so everyone came in town and most of them stayed with Jeremy and I. We had 11 visitors in our small apt. thankfully our landlords let us rent out a larger portion of the basement, but things were still a bit more crowded than we are accustomed to. We couldn't find our nice camera so all the pic's we took when they were here were by my camera phone. Technology is so amazing!
Me, Suzanne (my sister) and Elise (niece) at the swimming park

Random pic of me

Elise and I on a walk

Andre (nephew) playing in the park sprinklers

the men of the family at Jared's wedding.

Elise at the water park. She looks like a super hero!

Elise shopping with us.

Me by the pool

Westley(nephew) making a goofy face!

Kaye (sister) at the water park.

Andre and Will (brother) showing off muscle!

I had so much fun! Suzanne, JC and their kids (Andre, Westley and Elise) came early and spent 3 weeks with us! It was nice to have somone to go shopping with and to talk to besides Jeremy (even though Jeremy is so awesome he is not the best shopper). Jeremy also played a lot of tennis with JC which is great b/c I am not a tennins player.
This is Suzanne, JC and Elise at the park

I wish I had taken more pic's of the wedding or reception but I didn't. It was so fun though!
My brother Jared married

Pamela from Ecuador.

She had a lot of family and friends come into town. And let me say South American's know how to party! It was also fun b/c Cassie Clark was also able to make it. She was my best friend during the Junior High years. She brought her boyfriends/maybe fiance with her and he seemed really nice. Thanks so much for coming Cassie!
I guess that is it for now. I will try to be more up to-date on postings.
P.S. running was pretty hard to do when my family was in town. The first week I ran 25mi, but the second week I only ran 9mi : (
Oh Maggie I WISH I could have been there. Actually, I almost drove up with Cassi and Chris, but decided not to for a variety of reasons and it ended up being the right decision. Ryan got an ear infection the next day and both he and I have been sick, so it would NOT have been a fun trip if we would have come! Oh well! One of these days I am just going to have to drag my husband to Texas during Christmas or something to see you all! I miss you guys so much! Give your family all of my love!
Maggie! I love that you mentioned me in your blog! Ha! Ha! that trip was one of my most memorable trips! I am so glad that Chris and I were able to come see you! Im so happy that you and your family came into town! I wish that Natalie was able to come up but im glad thaat she was able to go to the doctor!
Next time I come up we will go shopping!
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