This post is going to be a quickie because I have to head to work soon. I don't know how many of you know this, but I love to run! Not only is it a great way to work out, but it also a great stress release. If I'm overly stressed out about school, work or life I just have to put on my running gear and in about 30 minutes I'm feeling great about everything.
Many of my intimate friends know that I am a goal freak. i have goals about everything and natural I have goals about running. Currently my running goals consist of increasing my mileage up to 50 a week. I know you might think I am CrAzY, but sometimes a girl just has to be a little crazy to stay sane. 50 mi weeks are hard on the body so to ease into my goal I have been increasing my mileage by 10% each week and then every 4Th week decrease it by 20%. It might be overly cautious, but I would rather reach my goal slowly than not at all b/c of injury.
So the funny thing is even though I love to run and it makes me feel like I am on top of the world I am often a slacker and I don't always do it. run I mean. I get these weeks what I call "bumber weeks" and it kind of seems like I fall of the running wagon. Of course when I have a bumber week I get discouraged that I will never be able to make my 50miler goal. So to fix that (or help in some small way) I have decided I need someone to report my running progress to. I don't know how many people even check this blog (probably 0-5) but anyway when I make a post I think that I will do a little P.S. and let you know my mileage for the weeks or couple of weeks as it may be. Hopefully this will encourage me to keep my running up.
OK, this was way long winded and I am not even posting any pictures (sorry Cassie) so I think I will end.
P.S. my weekly mileage was 12.5 but i was sick and I haven't done my long run on sat. yet (tsk, tsk i seem to have excuses for everything)
I talk with Filippo Gaddo
3 days ago
way to go maggie! i wish i was a runner! maybe i still will be. in the past though my allergies and the dogg-gone heat here have prevented me from really getting into it! its great for your heart though! keep us posted! ill be checking! :)
love you!
I check your blog every time you post!! Good Luck with running!!
Hey Maggie! I would LOVE to call you sometime, but as Andrea can attest to, I dont have long distance on my phone! I know, sad day! I can call, but it costs us a lot of money so usually I call Andrea and she calls me right back. If you want to call me though sometime, I would LOVE that! I am usually home all day. My number is 480-264-3606. Love ya girl!
Good for you Maggie!! It was so wonderful to see you and the family this weekend! I was so happy to see you smiling with your husband and everyone just looked so happy! I cant wait to show natalie the picutes she is going to flip out! Next time i visit we will go shopping!
You can totally do it Maggie! Just stick with it and take your time. Oh, have you ever seen those tickers that people put on their blogs when they're pregnant or something? I know they also have them for exercise. I have a friend that has a running ticker and a swimming ticker on her blog. It's a good way to track your progress and others can see how you're doing too. Just an idea. Hope you're's been too long since I've seen you!
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