1. I can't stop eating chili paste. I don't know if you have ever tried this stuff, but it is HOT!! I keep burning, but it doesn't stop me. I don't know if it is some weird pregnancy thing or if it is just addicting stuff. You can try it on eggs, tortillas, burritos, fried rice, etc.

2. I don't feel that a day is complete unless I have spent way too much time reading political commentary. My fav website is now realclearpolitics.com. I justify this addiction because I reason I am educating myself and trying to stretch my political knowledge, but in reality I only like to read articles that I am predisposed to agree with. I have learned a lot, but because of the what I read the more I read the more right I think I am. It isn't really broadening my political base, it is just making me stubborn in the ideals i already had. I haven't concluded whether this is good or bad. any thoughts?

3. I am in love with every Jane Austen book. This is probably my most time consuming addiction because once I start a book I can't stop it. Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice was once my favorite Austen heroine, but now i think it is Eleanor from Sense and Sensibility. If I could choose to live any life of the heroines I would probably choose Emma Woodhouse from Emma. She is so lucky, she seems to get everything she wants. Do you have a favorite Austen Heroine?

chili paste looks gross! :) But I don't like spicy food. And I must confess I have never read a Jane Austen! I really just need to buy one and read it. I love the stories! That is next on my to-do list.
That is so funny that you're addicted to chili paste! Hopefully it's not giving you heartburn...if you haven't had heartburn yet I hope you don't get it. It is no fun!
You probably couldn't pay me enough to read political articles. I think it's great that you're into that and I don't think you need to justify that at all. If I ever have any political questions I know exactly where to come!
I have the most amazing Jane Austen collection...all of her books in one volume...it's big and awesome. I think that Emma Woodhouse is definitely one of my favorite characters ever. Everytime I set up one of our single friends I think of what would Emma do?
Also, sooo sad we're not your visiting teachers anymore...We will still come visit and get baby updates!
on my computer this whole post just shows up in wing digs i cant read any of it... weird! you should post a picture of yourself you must be starting to show!
I agree with the last post, on BOTH accounts!!
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