This last week was amazing!
I got a free lunch at Tucanos on Tuesday b/c it was my birthday!!

Jeremy went to Fort Lauderdale, FL Wednesday and Thursday. I was miserable the whole time he was gone except when my amazing visiting teachers came over.

And his trip was actually a BIG success b/c he got a job offer from Ernst and Young the next day!!

Then that weekend Jeremy and I worked this amazing Kids Safety Show and we were able to book 23 tours + 6 tours we got at a theater shift. We haven't done that well in one weekend in a long time!!
Motto: Life is good
That is amazing!!!! Congratulations! What a relief to know you have somewhere, right? Also, great job at the show! I miss you guys! How was church yesterday? :)
welcome to the firm!!! Now we can discuss living with husband's that work at big accounting firms. I am soo happy for you guys...I just wish we weren't going to be on complete opposite sides of the country:( Sad! How are you feeling? Anything I can do for youa?
Thats really exciting! So did your husband get a job offer? Im still a little bit confused at what you guys do I know you work for a travel agencey but im not sure what you do.. Anyways. Thats super exciting that he got such a prestigious job offer! Im sure you are being blessed because you guys are such great people! I agree wity you Live is good! If you dont think that you arent counting your blessings!
Ahh! Congrats on SO MANY THINGS!! The job offer, the little BOY, the free Tucanos meal and amazing success at work last weekend... I am so happy for you guys!! OH- and Allen is offering his name as a suggestion. Haha. He would! :)
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