We had another ultrasound today and we came home with a picture!
We found out that he has the cord wrapped around his neck. It sounds really scary, but actually it is quite common and it isn't really a concern unless it is wrapped around two or three times. We (meaning the baby and me) will have to go in for non-stress test twice a week until the baby is born, or until he has wiggled out of the cord, just to keep things monitored.
Thanks so much for all your comments on my pregnancy complaints: )
what a handsome foot!
Brett's cord was around his neck, just thought you might want to know!!
Please keep us updated on the cord situation!
So exciting!! I can't WAIT to have an ultrasound! It's a very cute foot :)
Yah! Im glad that you posted! Im so excited to see him and you! I cant wait! only what.. 12 days untill i get to see you!
yes I second Nikki, keep us blog peeps in the "know"!
That is one great looking foot! I'm sure everything will go just fine with the cord situation. I can't wait to see pictures once baby Thurber comes! From the sounds of it you are pretty ready to have him here too.
The end of a pregnancy is tough but you can do it. You've made it this far and before you know it...okay, that's a lie...the last few weeks drag!!...sorry for the brutal honesty, but when you look back on it the time will have flown by. :)
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