I miss-calculated a couple of weeks back and thought my pregnancy was one week farther than it was. I was so annoyed when I realized that I had 8 weeks left and not 7. But time went by and now I only have 6 weeks! I am so excited. I want this baby here already so we can get to know him. I feel like he already has a little personality and I can't wait to find out what it is like. I have a short list of "must-haves" that I
really want for this baby (and Jeremy has agreed to get). The top thing on my list is a running stroller. And not just any old run of the mill running stroller. I want a
BOB Ironman. I want it so bad I dream about it. I daydream and night dream about taking my baby on long glorious runs or on short walks together so we can bond, but recently my dream has had a wet blanket dropped on it. During my recent spurts of research on strollers I have found a lot of people agree that a baby shouldn't be pushed around in strollers until they are 6 months! On the other hand, I have also read different blogs/forums where women have claimed to have started running with their babies as soon as 2 weeks. There seems to be a big difference between 2 weeks and 6 months. I was orginally thinking 2 months would ba a good time to start running with the little tyke, but now I am not quite sure. What do you ladies (or gentleman) think about this? Do you think that 2 weeks is too early (I personally do, but I have never had a baby before) do you think it is necessary to wait until they are 6 months?
I have included a picture of the BOB just for you to enjoy. *sigh* isn't it amazing: )
Running is always a good idea. There is a really gory, graphic reason why women usually wait 6 weeks before they start exercising. But it is also a personal decision. I had one doctor tell me that when I over-do it I will be back in bed again. So, just don't over-do it. (I over-did it once or twice- NOT pleasant). Give your body a chance to heal. But every woman is so different in how long they need to heal. That same dr told me it was up to me how long I waited.
I would see how you are feeling after you have the baby. I know for me, I was not up to doing much let alone running at 2 weeks. I feel like 6 months is a stretch though. See how everything is at two months and go from there, I am all about exercising!!
agree you should definitely wait until your 6-week appointment to run--you really want to heal first, no matter what other people say. Also, I think you were more worried about your baby being old enough, right? I think 2 weeks is too early, but I'm like you and haven't actually had that experience yet. I would wait until they can at least hold their head up by themselves really well--you don't want it to bounce around in the stroller.
I don't know if you know that I run. I ran until 7 months pregnant (should have kept it up) and ran twice before my 6 week appointment. Most women who run sooner are usually those who ran up until giving birth. But I agree with Kathlen, I was tired... phew. Anyway.
I ran with Ella when she was 6 weeks but only because the stroller we have is a jogging stroller with a carseat attachment. I would strap her into her carset and roll up blankets (length wise) and stick them around her body and most importantly her head. She was more or less packed into that thing. When I hit bumps in the road she didn't even budge. She was able to sit face forward right around 6 months because she had good head control.
Hope this helps. We have an In-step jogging stroller:
I saw one very similar design on the Babies R Us site but it had a red button thing on the handle. People didn't seem to like that style as much. You can read the reviews (I always did) but since you know me I will tell you I love it!
Run with a younger infant
Very durable (I really don't like those strollers with the four dinky wheels... sorry)
Collapses easily
Front wheel sometimes shakes if not locked. I found it did this though if I was walking too fast or if it doesn't have enough air.
A bit more bulky
Anyway. Email me if you have any other questions about running with a baby.
Sorry for the novel.
Opps. Duh, we have a Baby Trend stroller.
I have also heard that jogging strollers that can recline so the baby can lay flat work before 6 months. You aren't supposed to have a baby younger than 6 months strapped in any stroller forward facing because they don't have the head control. You could try asking Ashley Edwards because I know she starts running pretty quick after having a baby.
I love that stroller! Its perfect! I think that you will love it! I dont have kids so what do i know but i think that it would be fine to run with them maybe 2 months old! Im not sure about 2 weeks! I would think there little organs would be jogged around inside everytime they go over a little bump! I dont know. Ask your mom she usually knows everything! Hahah! I cant wait to see you!
2 more days!
Hey there! This is Ashley Edwards. After seeing you at the doctor's office the other day, I thought I'd check in on your blog.
To answer the stroller question, they say 6 months old for all strollers that don't recline flat because of the head control. If the BOB ironman reclines all the way, then you can put a newborn in it. My jogging stroller (just a cheap Baby Trend) reclined almost flat, so I put Ellie in there at 6 weeks with padding around her head. That's when I decided to exercise again, so that's why I picked 6 weeks. Generally, they say to wait 4-6 weeks to start exercising again after having a baby so you can recover. Since I had a c-section, I waited the full 6 weeks, just to be safe. However, I felt better after about 4 weeks. You'll just have to play it by ear.
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