Last night I couldn't sleep. I finally dosed off around 4:30 am only to wake up at 8:30am. I tried to sleep some more, but mostly it was me tossing and turning in bed trying to find a comfortable position. SO here is my first question. . . .is insomnia common in pregnancy or was last night just a fluke?
Next question. . . .is it common (meaning have you experienced know anyone who has, etc) to have your first trimester pregnancy symptoms come back in your third trimester? (mainly food aversions and throwing up)
Last question. . . . I am 7 weeks away from having this boy pop out and i feel like I am the size of a water buffalo. How on earth will I be able to get around the next seven weeks? I can barely get up in the morning without grunting to get out of bed (horrible, I know).
Okay those are my questions. If you are pregnant, have been pregnant, or know of someone who was pregnant then please let me know if these things are normal or not. thanks.
I talk with Filippo Gaddo
2 days ago
This might not be comforting, but I have a hard time staying asleep. You just get so dang uncomfortable, I think it is just the way things are.
It is common to have your first trimester symptoms come back. I didn't have that problem when I was pregnant with Brett, but and having that problem with Sissy. I asked my dr. and she said that it was "normal." Personally I think it is unfair, I am so sick right now.
I wish I could tell you that feeling like you are the size of a water buffalo goes away, but the truth is even after you have him you may feel like big. Try to exercise as much as possible, even going for a walk will help you feel better, I know it does for me. Just keep chugging, seven weeks isn't that far away. Crazy, I didn't know that our due dates were that close.
Yeah, I've heard that it gets pretty hard to sleep during the last trimester--sorry!! I'm not looking forward to that. I need my sleep!! Also, that's interesting about your first trimester symptoms coming back. I didn't know that! Good luck with everything!! Keep us updated!
Normal, normal, and any way that you can!!
I remember my last few weeks (aka month) of pregnancy going soooooo slow, AND then she came 2 weeks early. I was having braxton hicks all the time- not suppose to be painful, RIGHT? YEAH RIGHT! So unbareably painful that I guess I was actually getting ready a little early to give birth. But that is Breanne. She is over with this activity and onto the next one before she has fully finished it!
The books say to get as mush sleep as you can muster (even though it is really hard to sleep- you are so uncomfortable) because this is your last chance to rest up before baby comes. Do try, but don't feel bad if you can't!
I have no advice. I just wanted to be part of the discussion:)
I'm with Courtney...but also, we are loving Colorado...can't wait to be in Seattle though and work with E&Y...back to the pregnancy thing, I know some friends who take sleeping pills to help their might look into that option if it's becoming unbearable. There are over-the-counter sleeping pills that aren't narcotics that generally are ok if used in moderation:)
--this is really Carissa btw
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