I can't believe how much time I let elapse in between my posts. Not much is happening right now in the Thurber home and I like it. Jeremy is still working and going to school and I am just working and growing a baby:)
So here are some more details about the "little one" and myself.
- we are almost 4 months!!! I used to think that Pregnancy was 9 months so this would mean we were almost 1/2 finished, but I have had a reality shock. Pregnancy is 10 months (or 40 weeks)!! we still have a ways to go.
- I have been sick, but not as sick as some sisters I have. I am feeling better, but still get sick every once in a while
- All my sisters were pregnant at the same time (before one had her baby in Dec.) and one sister-in-law. That was 7 pregnant girls!!
- in about a month we get to find out what the babies gender will be. I am hoping for a girl, but of course I just want a healthy baby.
- oddly enough Jeremy is experiencing pregnancy symptoms as well. Apparently 60% of men can experience "sympathy symptoms" which are almost like the pregnancy symptoms. His include, but are not limited to, tiredness, dizziness, nausea and small lapses of memory.
I love you honey :)
- My new favorite way to spend the time is looking up baby items like strollers and cribs. Does anyone have a suggestion on where to go shopping for inexpensive baby items? Thanks!!
Baby Depot at Burlington Coat Factory is where we got our crib and changing table, and our pack n play. They are reasonably priced. More so than Baby's R US. However, we did get our car seat at Babys R Us. They just had better options. Graco and Chicco are the best brands for a car seat. FYI. We still havn't gotten a stroller, but I will most likely get it at Baby's R Us because Burlington doesn't have jogging strollers.
Anymore questions...ask away!!! I"m excited for you guys.
Yeah, we also got our stuff at Burlington. Also, at certain times, Shopko can have some pretty amazing sales on baby stuff too (and it is the same stuff you get at Burlington AND Babies R Us). Also, if you go to Babies R Us, you can sign up for their little shopping card- free and no strings attached (it's not a credit card, just a saver's card), and they give you good deals through that. P.S. I think it's a girl if you are taking tallies.
Hey Maggie!
To answer the question you posed on my blog about the paremesan garlic butter:
Yes, I did make it myself and its SO easy! I just scoop out some of the butter spread we use (you could use softened butter)and then mix in some paremesan cheese and some garlic salt. I started experimenting with making different butters after a really good butter spread we had in San Diego once, and mix in lots of stuff with our butter depending on what we are making. It just adds a little bit more to whatever you are doing.
Hope that helps! Love ya!
I didn't know you were pregnant! (I found your address through Bridget). Congratulations. Girls are great. :)
Congrats you guys! How exciting! Have you found out your due date yet?
We did a lot of our shopping at Babies R Us. I didn't think they were too much more expensive than Baby Depot, plus sometimes we would get coupons in the mail. You might try asking if they have a mailing list or something. Also, for certain items like bouncers, you could check out Craigslist. I wouldn't recommend it for things like cribs or car seats though. You want to make sure those are all up to date and don't have any recalls.
Thanks Maggie i love my bag too Chris got it for me for christmas and I just cant get enough of it! We need an update on your life..
I'm glad you are feeling better. Feeling sick is the pits. I honestly am a big fan of Kid-to-Kid for inexpensive kids clothes. If you're willing to look a little they have a lot of name brand baby clothes for very cheap and in good condition. I just bought my first baby girl outfit there the other day and LOVE IT!
Maggie that is soo adorable that he is getting simpathy symptoms.. How adorable! I know ive been a very bad frind not posting and im really sorry! Im going to catch up with you!! Im glad that you are healthy though.
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