Here is the deal I don't like McCain. There I've said it. Glad to get that off my back: )
Back last Winter/Spring when McCain beat Mitt Romney in the primaries I was quite bitter. I felt that there were some dirty politics going on to get him to win. But, hey that's politics so I have tried to look past that and see McCain for his good qualities even though it has been extremely difficult to do that until. . . he announced his VP. I love Sarah Palin. She is my new hero! I felt that under Palin the McCain camp was going to start standing for things I stand for. But, alas, I feel that I have been mistaken. McCain is still McCain. To make things clearer I will bullet point my recent complaints against Senator McCain.
- Support of the 7 billion dollar bailout- I have been very disappointed in President Bush and Senator McCain for trying to push this bill through. Republicans should be for small government and people being held accountable for their actions. This bailout bill is pretty much the government buying companies (oh by-the-way they are buying with the national credit card) and trying save people from their own greed and mistakes. It's a nice idea, but it is going to hurt everyone in the long run.
- Not being proactive enough in his campaign - in the Republican Convention McCain (paraphrasing) said "I will fight, will you fight with me!" but it doesn't seem like he has fought that much. There are places where Obama posters have been out for over a year, but yet it is still fighting tooth and nail to try and get the McCain camp to give out McCain posters.
- Leaving Michigan - McCain decided to stop campaigning in Michigan b/c it is too hard. He sees that Michigan is full of liberals who have been hurting themselves economically and they are not about to change so he has stopped campaigning there and decided to just let them hurt themselves. This is what Sarah Palin said after she found out that McCain was pulling out of Michigan "Oh, come on! You know, do we have to? Do we have to call it there?" Todd and I, we'd be happy to get to Michigan and walk through those plants of the car manufacturers. We'd be so happy to get to speak with the people there in Michigan who are hurtin' because the economy is hurtin'. Whatever we can do, and whatever Todd and I can do in realizing what their challenges in that state are, as we can relate to them and connect with them and promise them that we won't let 'em down in the administration. I want to get back to Michigan and I want to try!" - so McCain wants to give up while Palin wants to keep on fighting.
I have problems with EVERYONE running! Ah! Whats a girl to do? :(
Ya, sorry Maggie, I am sooo not a Palin fan. Can't stand her one bit. I'm totally for Obama.
I am completely for neither. I just might vote for obama just so Mitt can run again. I think either way, who ever wins, we are in serious trouble. I think the key is to pray, He is the only person who can help us out of the mess that we are in.
I deleted my last coment to keep the peac i hope that you dont get it in your inbox! I cant believe that you would vote against obama! Especially you Maggie. have you studied on obama? Do you know what he is going to do? The number one on his agenda is to take the troops out of iraq, He wants to give up and retreate. What do you think that the sheiit are going to do after all that happends...just blow us to smithereens again because they can. Sorry to be so blunt but we cant do that! We cant stop fighting! Its not an option. Finish what we started and then put an end to it. we are doing so good over there and despire all the bad things that are happening the better out weighs the bad! just ask any Mom who has a child out there. They dont want them to come home untill the job is done! Atleast the moms i know!
Yes McCane can be a jerk and he will probubly die in the offce but he believes in finishing what you start out to do. He believes in Familys and in the right to freedome of religion. Im going to vote for him and back him up. Thats just me. I still love you maggie, And Natalie you better make up your mind soon or you'll be hearing from me.
Hey Cassie,
Don't worry even though I don't like McCain and some of his policies I can't stand Obama. As of right now i will definitely be voting for McCain. It's just that I seem him as the lesser evil not necessarily the good, but I do agree that he would be a better president than Obama
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