I really want to post something, but I have nothing of interest to write about right now. We haven't done anything amazing or taken any pictures for about. . .3 weeks (oddly enough that is about the same time school started. Just a coincidence? I think not). Even though we have been enjoying school I don't think you will be too thrilled to read a blog on the the reconstruction of Western Europe after WWII or GAAP's (general accepted accounting principles) latest new report.
I think I will tell you about our chiropractor appointments. At first glance you might think this is digressing from GAAP and your probably right, but at least you don't have to keep looking at my old posts when you come to our family page.
There are two types of people in this world. Those who think chiropractors are useful and those who don't. I happen to be in the former camp and Jeremy in the latter. But, alas, about 6 weeks ago I convinced him that we needed to go to the chiropractor and get an adjustment. We went to the appointment and by the time we left the chiropractor office the chiropractor had convinced us to sign agreement to come in twice a week for four weeks to help correct our sublexations. At first this seemed like a golden opportunity to show Jeremy how the Chiropractor is. I thought "the Chiropractor will fix our sublexations and then Jeremy will be forever convinced of the usefulness of chiropractors." Ha, ha. I now laugh at my naiveness. needless to say Jeremy is not convinced and in fact has started to blame every ailment he has on our chiropractor.
Conversation 1.
Jeremy: My shoulder is really hurting
Me: is it b/c you worked out too hard last night?
Jeremy: No, I think it was the chiropractor
Conversation 2.
Me: I think I am getting a cold
Jeremy: It's the chiropractor
Conversation 3.
Jeremy: My tooth was hurting today
Maggie: That's too bad
Jeremy: It was the Chiropractor's fault.
You see my dilemma? What is a poor girl to do? Oh well! I hope you have a great day. And I hope something exciting will happen soon for me to post about!
P.S. so far this week I have only run 5 mi.
Family Pictures 2024
1 week ago
LOL! That sounds like something Clint would do! Ha! Men! Love 'em!
Ha! Ha! Maggie that is so funny! I Dont think that its just Jeremy Its got to be a man thing! Chris is the same way! I keep telling him to go but he wont go unless its a certain type who corect your spine after taking a digital scan and the Doctor doesnt even do it a michine will. He got it done once on his mission and now wont go back unless its just like that! I have a hard time trusting michines but I guess they work really well! Chris grew up on a farm in Mexico so he is lower back problems and that toatly steenks that you guys have that sublexations! I dont know what that is but it doesnt sound like fun! Good luck!
I thought this might help! I just found it!
Its from Seven habbits of highly effective people!
Your dilemma goes deeper than having a shortage of time,
it's basically a problem of priorities.
Most people leave undone those things that should be done,
while they do things that they shouldn't be doing.
Set priorities for your goals.
A major part of successful living lies in your ability to put first things first.
Most major goals are not achieved because people put second things first.
Is what your doing getting you closer to your objectives?
Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted time.
Don't serve time, make time serve you.
Copyright 2008 www.yourdailymotivation.com
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