Do you ever have the feeling that you are starting to get old. I don't mean "old" as in white hair, rheumatism and bath slippers. I mean "old" as in you have been around a long time and you see things come around full circle.
So what is making me ask this when I am at ripe young age of 22? Well, yesterday at BYU I ran into a girl I use to Babysit! Can you believe that? I was so surprised. I asked her if she was a freshman, but she replied she was a sophomore. I couldn't believe it. I use to babysit her and now she is a sophomore in college!
Shortly after that expereice another strange thing happened. I was early for class in room number 793 SWKT (this class room has windows) and when I looked inside I saw all the professors in the Poli Sci Dept. sitting around the table being lectured, I don't know what on, but it was wierd. First off it was wierd to see them all sitting and listenign instead of lecturing and then it was even wierder when I realized how many of the professors in the dept I actually knew and have taken classes from. It made me feel like i have been around BYU way too long.
Even though there experiements were totally random I cannot stop thining about them. I am sure I am not the only person who have had those feelings being tipped upside down by life as it awakens me to the reality that everything really isn't centered around me and thigns change without my notice. So have you had any of those moments when life catches you off gaurd and makes you see things differently? What are they?
P.S this week I have only run 6 mi but the first week of school has kept me pretty busy. I hope to do better next week: )
Family Pictures 2024
1 week ago
Hi Maggie!
I know how you feel. It's weird to see people you babysat on campus. Also, I bet the reason why you saw professors being lectured is that the Poli Sci department is hiring. As part of the job candidate evaluation process, candidates come and give a presentation about their research and PhD specialization to the faculty.
Anyway, have a good first week of school! When are you graduating?
Take care!
I have that same feeling everytime I go to church! I have been bunched in the same groupings as my old professors and so feel like, am I really old enough to be HERE?? Shouldn't I be in YW's or something?? And the day Sister and Elder missionaries started looking REALLY young to me, I realized, "Yup, it's official. I am OLD."
Maggie! I know exactly what you meen! I used to babysit these girls and now that she is in my singals ward people are asking me about her like how they want to date her! I dont feel like telling them anything. I dont want her to grow up becaue she is so little still to me! Well maybe thats not exactly the same thing but its close!
Watching my little sisters and brother grow up makes me feel like life is way too short and then i relized that im going to be 22 in december and im still not married dont have kids and havent really started my life yet! I know that its going to happen soon so i wont get to bent out of shape over it! Life is short and flys by!
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