Since I have started school my life has been increasingly chaotic. I have been trying to balance homework, exercise, work, scripture study and a social life. it seems that the days that I get in some exercise and some good scripture study are the days I don't all my homework done. Also since I have started school I have not made it to the Temple (i don't think anyone looks at my blog who is not Mormon). During the weekend I spend working b/c I am too busy on the weekdays, but then I don't get enough of other stuff done b/c I am so busy with work. I guess this blog is more like a plea for help. Does anyone have some suggestions on what to do when you have tons of stuff and so little time? Comments would be appreciated! Thank you!
P.S. I have run 13 mi so far this week.
A VAT is not a trade restriction
4 days ago
We have the same problem, without the same problems. :) I don't know if that makes sense, but I mean we haven't been to the Temple in a while and need to go soon. I think we're going to start setting aside specific times (almost scheduling it) so we never have any questions about when we are going.
If you would like to join us in this venture, please let me know. We'd love some company. Also, early morning Temple trips are a good way to start the day. Let me know and we can do it! :) Hope you have a great day Maggie!
I know I don't say it enough, but you and Jeremy are great! I'm so grateful that we get to be such good friends and that we get to work together too. I appreciate you guys so much.
We'll talk later.
Wait-- you've run 13 miles this week?? Way to go!! That is amazing to me. Running is torture sometimes! You are doing awesome.
Balancing... this is a tough one! I agree with maximizing your time by getting an early start! My most energized and effective schedule EVER was this:
5:45 awake
6:00 gym
7:15 home, shower, scriptures while eating breakfast... etc.
8:00 or 8:30 out the door.
Daytime - plan out hour by hour
Nighttime - do the same
10:00 bedtime
Then, if you decide to take a day to go to the temple, you can rotate things around a bit or eliminate a few things (I would say "gym" could go first... haha... or you could do a shorter workout).
I'm a total hypocrite b/c I'm not doing this right now, but that's the schedule I use when I am on top of my game. And it's always when I wake up early and get to bed earlier that I feel more energized!!
I agree with the above comment! Early to bed and Early to rise makes a HUGE difference, as does making yourself an actual schedule. I could send you the one I used for a long time. Its very useful, especially when you actually stick to it! And even when you cant (which happens A LOT for me), just the fact that you have a plan seems to mean that you get MORE things done even if you dont get EVERYTHING done. And from my experience 99% of the time you are NOT going to get EVERYTHING done. Thats where priorities come in...
And I could go on and on....
But I wont!
Good luck Maggie! Just think, soon you will be done with school and then you will have other things to juggle! :) Love you dear!
Maggie! Althou I do agree with natalie on the above coment I also understand that its not always possable! I know im also going to sound a little silly by admiting to what I do becaue even I feel a little silly about it but for me it works! every sunday I write a weekly chart on things that I need to get done and that are my #1 importaint things! Then i write what I would really like to get done. then i wright down just fun things that If I have extra time or need relaxation time that I get to choose from and do! Then I write out each of my days, Monday- sunday. Every hour of the day with first the things that i have to do then the things that I want to do then the things that If i was to have extra time what i woudl do. Now as for excersize I learned that if i dont put that in the catagory of things that need to be done then It NEVER happends becasue I dont like to do it. So I make that a thing that i have to do that day. With work and school and church it all gets a little crazy but put your priorities first then make time bracketts for them so that you are sure to get them done in that alotted time!
Good Luck you can do it~
Ask your Aunt Donna Jean Wilde. She is the master of multi-tasking and list making! HA :) What a wonder woman! Love Aunt Tanis
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